lauantai 31. lokakuuta 2009

005 - 31.10.2009

Sunset at Suomenlinna. It was a terribly cold night and it's beginning to get dark earlier each day. There was a huge cruise ship going throuh a tiny pass between the islands, but my camera battery died before having a chance to capture it.

perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2009

004 - 30.10.2009

We were at DigiExpo, played Dante's Inferno, which was real fun. There was also really huge camera lenses we could try and a 105 inch plasma tv.

torstai 29. lokakuuta 2009

003 - 29.10.2009

Did some pumpking head carvin today. Only cut off one part of my finger during the process so it went more smoothly than expected. :) I like the head on the far left the most, though the big one next to it was pretty successfull also. The little head was difficult to fit a candle in and the most right head has really got the spirit of Halloween in it, since it's guilty of removing a piece of my finger. None the less, making them was really fun.

keskiviikko 28. lokakuuta 2009

002 - 28.10.2009

Took a lot of pictures today, mostly of different lights at route to school, off school and out with the dogs. I like the spirit of this picture the most, though it's not as stately as some of the others.

tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2009

001 - 27.10.2009

This is where it all starts. It's a closeup photo of my palm tree stem, taken with a bit of haste. Didn't have my camera with me the whole day since I only decided to begin the challenge after talking to a friend at work. And of course the day was filled with everything and I had to come up with something to photograph at the last minute before bed. :)