We spent a week at Playa De Las Americas, in Tenerife. Here's some trip photos, starting with the welcome seals of the Siam waterpark.

Weather was absolutely fantastic and we only experienced a few clouds now and then and rain on our way back to the airport on the last day.

There was a view to the other island La Gomera from the beach near our hotel.

Water had carved it's way under the rocks.

Beach after beach, we tested all of them. :)

Watching the weaves never got boring.

The sand was soft and black - ash fallen from the volcano during it's life.

Masca was an old pirate hideout now serving as a beautifull small village to attract tourists between two mountains and very narrow serpentine roads.

The jungle was full of common lizards, all bushes had life in them. Very fast little ones.

We felt a bit crazy driving up and down the serpentine roads - especially since we shared them with tourist buses and was difficult enough passing a small car!

Beautiful view from Masca valley.

The volcano Teide was our destination twice during the trip. First time we came too late and missed the last cable car by some fifteen minutes.

We search and finally found the Star Wars rock aka God's Fist. One cannot visit Tenerife and not take a picture of this rock.

Cable cars traveled up and down the top of the volcano.

There was a second crater a bit lower from the top of Teide.

A road I bet my mom would have enjoyed walking. :)

To visit the peak we would have needed a permit obtained from another side of the island and sadly we never had time to get them.

The view was fantastic none the less.

This was spotted near the moon landscapes.

We also hiked the traditional route to view a lunar landscape, Los Ecurriales. The hike was very well maintained and had beautiful views of the mountains and their surraundings.

More views from the hike.

There was really few flowers compared to home at summers. Actually there weren't any insects either. I suppose it's too dry for the flowers and without them insects don't have much success.

This hudge tree was called Pino Gordo and was 45,12 meters high and had a diameter of 3,16 meters.

It was the biggest tree I had ever seen!

Palm trees looked a bit surreal to me at first. There's not many of those back at home.

They did make a nice silhouette in the sunset.

At the end I got pretty used to them, but I still think they are gorgeous.

The cliffs at the shore had layers on them telling of past volcanic activities. A bit like tree-ring dating. :)

We spotted a group of short-finned pilot whales on our cruise to see whales and/or dolphins.

They were circling the boat and seemed just as interested in us than we were of them.

We were told we'd recognize the katamaran easily because it would be the biggest ship in the harbour. :)

A sunset on our way back home.

The clouds in the smaller heights were really pretty. Like simpson's clouds. :)

On our way to our holiday we stopped at Portugal to get some extra gas for the rest of the trip.