We went to see the Sea Life aquarium and take some fishy photos. It's not the most well lit space so most of the images came out quite blurry or dark.

An aztec head like in FB tanks?

I love corals. I'd build a coral tank in my house (among with almost any other kind starting from fresh water and ending in a dolphin tank) if I'd had a bit more space and belief in myself being cabable of keeping the poor fish alive.

A working camouflage?

There was one tank filled with really active fish. I felt sorry for so many of them being trapped in such a small home.

This is one of my favorite fish species. They are huge and extremely beautiful. Look a bit like an x-wing with ornaments.

A shark swimming above me. There is this one huge tank with a couple of shark species, some stingrays and several other fish and you can walk through a class tube going under the tank.

Someone about to escape? :) An distortion caused by the shape of the tank.

Lightbulbs are powered by an electric eel.
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