We went to do some tracking practice for the dogs. One of my friends knew this great huge forest with mostly pines and some firs. Was quite difficult terrain for the trace as the ground was pretty well covered with ferns, but all the dogs did well. :)

It has stood up decades before finally falling.

Before reaching our final destination, there was a lot of old trenches and wartime remnants we had to cross.

Someone had seen the trouble of bringing all kinds of rubbish to a hole in the middle of the forest. I guess they could of found an easier way to dispose of them. The most interesting thing was the nature reserve sign at the bottom of the picture, that had been stolen from the forest just near my house.

This tree has a split personality?

We left a bloody trale behind us.

Yoda is anxious to start his hunting. They both knew what we were here for, the moment I first took the blood out of my freezer in the morning.

Huge trees.

A hole - one could only guess how deep. Gizmo thought it might be a good idea to test it, but luckily she decided against it.
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