There's hundreds of ponds right now. The one leading down from the hill we live on top of is almost two metres wide.

Water drops hitting the floor.

Pussy willows, one of the earliest signs of spring.

Gizmo has her eyes on a squirrel. She wishes she could climb the trees to follow it.

Yoda is having hard time getting through the very wet and heavy snow.

"Hurry up!"

Some rock surface is appearing from below the snow. Almost all roads and streets are clear, but there's still plenty of snow in the forests.

Dogs are waiting impatiently for me. It's easier for them to walk in the forests now as every other of their step doesn't fall half a meter below snow surface.

Water is carving channels and making caves.
Ihania kevätkuvia! Tuntee heräävänsä itsekin horrksesta, kun huomaa, että meillä on sittenkin toivoa eikä talvi olekaan ikuinen ;)